If the idea of disembodied footsteps in the night, flickering lights, dripping faucets, and sudden temperature changes is the perfect theme for your hotel room, then is this the article for you. Hotels have become the favorite haunt of many ghosts. This is likely due to the fact that some of these hotels have been around for years. In that time, they’ve seen a lot of things–scandals, murders, and drug deals gone bad. That sort of history leaves a mark. So, if you aren’t afraid of ghosts, consider some of these haunted hotels to visit and get your ghost hunt on.
1. The Stanley Hotel
No list is complete without perhaps one of the most famous haunted hotels to date. The Stanley Hotel gets its fame for being the main villain in Stephen King’s The Shining. Similar to the protagonist–or is it antagonist?–in his book, King and his wife spent a vacation in the hotel essentially alone. This was because the hotel was just closing for the season. His experiences in room 217 would inspire one of his scariest novels to date.
2. Bourbon Orleans Hotel
In the haunted city of New Orleans, you can find this next hotel. The Bourbon Orleans Hotel offers a French Quarter luxury experience–and then some. Built in 1817, this hotel was once a ballroom and theatre, and later it became a convent, orphanage, and finally a hotel. With all of that rich history of different energies passing through it, you can be sure there are still some residual memories locked away. Rumor has it that a Confederate soldier haunts the third and six floors. Guests have seen ghostly children and women lurking, too.
3. Battery Carriage House
Considered to be, “Charleston’s Most Haunted Inn,” this hotel has quite a few ghosts lurking about. In Room 3, the guests reported a whole series of glowing masses around their room. In Room 8, a headless man was seen. Many believe that this man was once a pirate since they used to hang pirates from trees just outside of the hotel. The haunted tour of the hotel offers every story reported. Perhaps you’ll have some to add, too.
4. Hawthorne Hotel
If you’re going to Salem, Massachusetts, then you better be prepared to hear stories about the Salem Witch Trials. This hotel was opened in 1925 and even was famously used for the filming of the TV show, Bewitched. Besides throwing one of the best Halloween parties around, the hotel also has its share of ghosts. People have seen apparitions and noticed that their faucets turn on and off repeatedly.
5. 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa
The Crescent Hotel has been deemed America’s Most Haunted Hotel by ghost hunters everywhere. With its use as a hospital before it became a hotel, you can imagine the sort of ghostly visitors that haunt the halls and rooms. This hospital was run by the infamous Norman Baker who was a phony doctor that promised a cure for cancer. Suffice it to say, lots of people died, and those people likely still remain. Rumor has it that there’s even a ghostly cat that makes itself known sometimes.
Where will your next spooky adventure take you?